Friday, 2 November 2007

Best Students Union, Best Volunteering Events!


Just found out we won 'Students Union Of The Year' Award again! (I'll post the link as soon as its up). Just goes to show we're still the best Students Union in the country and as a member of Sheffield University and therefore the Students Union, I'm pretty proud of that!

This is the Volunteering event called "Love Where You Live" that I was involved in at the weekend, I only turned up for half of it as I was attending the Students Union Council training day but just in time to look as if I'd done all the hard work for the publicity photo shoot...

Its stuff like this that really does justify the fact we can boast about how great we are as a Students Union. Even if Tom Bramall is too concerned about his own welfare to actually do any of the lifting or sweeping up at the end of the day...

Now I understand why he is called the 'Welfare Officer' ; )